Forgive to Live 2020

You are personally invited to a highly educational program that will run on Wednesday afternoons 4:30pm for 6 weeks comencing November 4.
The purpose of this program is not just to have an enjoyable afternoon together, but rather to:
Convey and learn healpful information and insights about forgiveness
Deepen individual relationships
Build a sense of community and closeness
Brainstorm ideas and dream together
Support each other in the challenges in life
Help members grow with the goal of improving their lives!
Desired Outcome:
In attending a session of this nature a number of areas of growth can be expected. You may experience some of the following benefits:
Learning the steps along the path of the forgiveness journey - and where you personally are in this journey.
Experiencing the freedom that comes through forgivness.
Learning how to improve your future and your health through the choices you make today.
Being able to reframe your past and find an increased hope.
Seeing that anger can work for you and even pave the way for forgiveness.
Learning to forgive yourself and become free from guilt and shame.
Changing cognitive thinking and behaviour as new pathways of thinking are developed and new thoughts are truth are expressed. This may even have an impact on the behaviour of others as we change the way we treat them.
Venue: Seventh-day Adventist Church Community Hall
182 Bowral St, Bowral 2576
Recorded Presenter: Dr Dick Tibbits & Dr Marcia Williams
Contact: Owen: 0481210121
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